The Common Sense Revival

Activity Challenges
Activity Challenges
Chautauqua History
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Art + Thinking while moving through space and time!

Activity Challenge = Art and thinking event with the excitement of sports ]

Critical Thinking and Positive psychology ideas will be showcased in our Activity Challenges. The Challenges will consist of age specific activities that involve but are not limited to the following materials: Puzzles, snap models, erector set, clay and wire sculpture. pre-cut paper shapes, college, painting, chalk, finger paints, musical instruments cameras and audio recording devices,.

We will create an outreach effort to recruit participants for our local Activity Challenges. Our focus will be neighborhood centers, church and secular youth groups, school districts, 4H clubs, etc. Volunteers will be solicited from local universities to assist in the Challenges and Revivals.

Send your Activity suggestions to

Critical Thinking * Positive Psychology * Citizen Change